6hr positive induction story!


5:30am 4cm - started pitocin

We came in for induction at 4am, they started my IV (which took an hour, yay for being a hard stick!) and I got comfy and we started pitocin! The contractions truly were not bad at all, they were coming every 2-3 minutes and I was able to talk through them. I got bored of sitting in the bed and I wanted to speed this up as much as possible so I bounced and rocked on a yoga ball.

10:00am 6cm - water broke & epidural

My OB came in to check me and I was 6cm dilated when she broke my water, and she said she would see me at lunch time because this was going to fast because my cervix was super stretchy. Right after she broke my water helloooo contraction pain! I truthfully forgot how uncomfortable contractions were so it overwhelmed me for a moment and I immediately asked for the epidural (my last birth I used gas but they didnt offer it here).

11:00am - epidural is in!

The epidural was not painful AT ALL! The only surprising thing was the shock that shoots down your leg as they enter the “space” in your spine to place it, it made me jump and my leg involuntarily kick out. 😂🥴

11:30am - checked @ 7cm

I was able to shut my eyes and take a small 30min nap after the epidural was placed but I woke up to feeling contractions and pressure, and after three contractions that I could feel more each time, I called the nurse. The nurses came in, pushed an extra dose through the epidural and she said I was 7cm.

12:06pm - checked @ 10cm

I started shaking and I told my husband I think im transitioning and its time to push, because this is how I felt the first time. The nurses were still in the room from doing my last cervix check and I asked them to check again and sure enough I went from a 7 to a 10 in 30 minutes! My nurse told me he was still a little high so she had me labor a bit for him to come down more and to tell her when I felt immense pressure. She was texting my OB the whole time so we were waiting for her to get here.

12:30pm - time to push!

My OB came in and got set up, and in three pushes my little man was here!

12:36pm - Luke Waylon was born. 7lb 15oz 19.5in 💙