Cleft pallet & pierre robbin


So cut the story short...... my daughter was born 16th march, she is 6 weeks old tomorrow. I had trematic birth, she 4th baby. I ended up having c section. We noticed her feeding wasnt food, and milk coming out of her nose. She also has smaller jaw, we then found out she has pierre robbin she got diagnosed that, and cleft pallet. She was in NICU for 3 weeks, altogether i was in hopsital for a month, 3 failed induction that how i had section in the end. My daughter was tube fed, they then had to teach us to tube feed her, she now drinking from special bottles, she had sleep study to see if she needs breathing tube, and she goes back in 3 months for another sleep study as she doesnt need breathing tube yet, but she might in couple of month. We are home also with oxygen monitor. She be having operation 6-12 month to close the pallet. I dont see much info on here about pierre robbin, wondering if anyone has been through the same as me. We are finally home now and she is doing great, there is risk her tonge will go at the back of her throat and affect her breathing , it hits peak between 8-12 weeks, as her jaw growing smaller than her tonge. Its very frightening time for us, but apart from that she is doing amazing