9 weeks and pink blood



So im 9 weeks +1 and today when I wiped after I peed there was some pink blood on the tissue. I have no stomach pains, I am trying not to worry. I called the maternity ward and they have said because of me only being 9 weeks and it being pink blood and me not having any pains they can not bring me in for a scan (they have very strict rules apparently) I have been told to rest and keep an eye on it. But should I be worried? (I know I shouldn't have so don't tell me that) but I googled it and was on a forum and people said this is how their miscarriage happened. :( This is my first pregnancy and I don't know what to do I haven't had my first scan and won't until around 12 weeks!

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I had some pink when I wiped at 9 weeks and completely freaked out. My midwife said if it gets more or turns red then get checked out. I had it about 3 times. I was told later down the line that my placenta was low and near my cervix early on in the pregnancy and that could have caused it. I know it's hard not to worry, but just take each day at a time.


Charl • May 2, 2023
Thank you yeah.its hard not to worry just hoping my baby is okay x