Gestational diabetes - what was your experience?

I failed my GD test due to my fasting numbers at 28 weeks. I have been trying to manage with diet/exercise alone (I have only gained 3 pounds with this pregnancy!) and my daytime numbers are always fine but for the last 3 days my fasting numbers in the am have not been good (96-108). I’m 33 weeks and getting worried they might start me on insulin. I have a growth scan on Wednesday which hopefully can give me some reassurance that baby is normal size (she was measuring perfectly at 30 weeks). Main thing I’m scared of induction and/or baby having shoulder dystocia. I had a completely natural birth with my first daughter (no GD) and was really praying for that again. I need to try harder with my diet it’s just SO hard when all I crave is sweets and carbs. I don’t even eat very badly but at night time is when I struggle most. Just looking for some positive stories or to hear from anyone who’s been thru this. Was your baby born without complication? Did you need induction? Thanks ladies. 🙏