
Hi. I am 4 months post partum and I’ve had my period regularly before and after my pregnancy up until now. My period is late by 4-6 days but I took a pregnancy test yesterday and today and both show negative . I’m not bleeding, just cramping and secreting a lot of white clearish discharge.

It is possible for a chance of pregnancy and please no mom shaming. Im married and we did use a condom at first, but we took it off because my husband started having a reaction to it. I used to be on birth control for 5 years before i got pregnant, but wanted to lay off of it during PP for a couple months to let my body just take a break.

Is this normal in PP to have a period this late, or is this more of a sign of a possible pregnancy?

I will take one more test tomorrow morning. By then it’ll be 5-7 days late.