How many outfits to pack in hospital bag? Help


It's only been 18months since my son was born but I've completely forgotten how much I packed last time, plus he was a winter baby and now I'm having a summer baby so unsure what the (English) weather will be like.

Im hoping for a vbac this time but might be a section, so could be in for a few days, how many outfits should I bring for myself?

And how many of each vest and sleep suits would you pack for baby? I know a lot of people say don't bother with newborn size but my first was a small preemie so he wore newborn for a long time, but so far this baby measuring normal size so I'm thinking of packing both newborn and 0-3 months..

Do I pack a sun hat or a warmer hat for a July baby?

Also how many nappies do you bring for a non premature baby?? My son was in special care unit so you changed nappy everytime they fed, but I've been told this isn't the norm.

Any advice would be appreciated!