14DPO postive test and at 13DPO with HCG 100 mui/ml


Hello Ladies-

I started testing from 10DPO got a very faint positive line and have been testing everyday. I went in to get a blood beta HCG drawn on 13DPO and it was 100. My doc says the number looks good but wants me to go back in 3 days to redraw to see if my HCG has double. Today is 14DPO and I took a pregnancy test and the line is still very faint but a little darker than from 10DPO. I am a little nervous to why the test line has not gotten darker much from 10DPO and if my HCG level is too low at 13DPO. Has anyone experience this before and went on to have a healthy pregnancy? The picture is from today 14DPO. Does my line progression looks normal at 14DPO or should it be darker? FYI I tested a postive ovulation on 4/18&19 so I assume I am 4 weeks and 3 days.

I’m so nervous since I have been reading alot of stories and am afraid this might be a chemical pregnancy since my line isn’t that dark and my hcg is only at 100 when I see some people say their beta hcg were in the 300-1000s at 13-14DPO.