Confused with pumping and nursing


Hey my ladies. My son is 8 months and i plan on bf'ng him for atleast a year.. first 4 months i was EP'ng cuz he was so used to bottle .. slowly i made him come

To the breast and ive been ebf along with pumping at night and 1x a day. My question is

Do i still need to pump at night? I give him

7oz pumped bottle at night and he drinks it so i do need to maintain my supply to get 7 oz everyday. I nurse him day n night. He feeds like 4-5x and idk how many times at night lol. I pumped one side and the other he jst nurses. I dont want my supply to affect because ive been blessed with good supply.i havnt given formula because

Of that. Pls guide me if someone has been in the same situation. ❤️🤗