Emergency C/section


My due date was May 3 for my baby girl but I had her on May 2 at 11:41pm . I was supposed to have her vaginally, but due to some difficulties I had to have an emergency C- section. She was head down, but her head was crooked in my cervix, which prevented her from repositioning. Her head was facing up, I was dilated 6cm, but sense she wasn’t positioned right, with every contraction I ended up dilating 3cm back.

My morning nurse was fabulous everything was going smoothly, till the night shift nurse came in. I’m not sure she knew what she was doing, because every time she came in she needed the head nurse to come in to make sure she was doing something right. I was using the peanut ball, so every 30 min or an hour she had to come in to help me switch sides ( I was on epidural ). The problem was she had my knees touching together while I was on the peanut ball, and kept me on one side for to long kinda laying on my belly half way. I did tell her it was very uncomfortable, and I started to feel like I had to sh*t lol, she said it’s going to feel that way and I’ll be fine and said she’ll be back in 2 hours. I started to feel even more pain on my right side, so I called the nurse in, turns out only one side of my cervix was dilating and the other side was really really swollen. And that prevented my baby from coming down. Next thing you know after two other opinions from other head nurses, my doctor comes in and explains to me I need to have an emergency C- section asap. Didn’t go how I wanted it too but I’m happy my baby girl came into the world healthy and strong :)