My 🦁 is here!!


Due date was 5/5, doctor decided to induce me at 40w4d as he has been measuring ahead since the beginning and was afraid he is reaching 4kgs soon, i also had abnormal GD numbers but didn’t follow any plans, baby’s sugar levels were prefect though.

We started the induction and failed after 3.5 days with baby not engaging in pelvis, at the 40w mark they were estimating him to be 3.8kgs

My induction started with cervadil for 12 hours that dilated me from 1 to 2

Later two pills of cytotec further dilated me 1 cm each

At 4cm and still 50 percent effaced we started pitocin and i asked for epidural after four hours but my pain wasnt bad at all, i just wanted it quicker than later. 24 hours of pitocin with epidural and i was stuck at 5cm and babys head never engaged

The doctor wanted to break the water but they couldnt see it so it was a risk to rupture since it was also high above

I asked to wait for overnight with only eipdural on and 30 mins position changes to see what we have in the morning

Unfortunately the 4th day was also the same so we decided to go for a c section instead

C-section was scary as hell but mainly the part of anaesthesia where you are really numb and almost faint and things slow down, the tugging and pulling for me was no big deal

By the end i did start to feel some stitches and asked them to up my dosage

I have three days to recover in hospital and then at home. Wishing all mommys a happy mothers day!