Feeling overwhelmed


Just had our beautiful baby a month ago and I couldn’t be happier to have her in my life but having her a lot of other feelings came along.

I’ve had issues in the past with my family that pushed me to be the way I am and I’m not much of a family person nor do I enjoy getting together with family nor friends too often, I get along with everyone but I can’t handle being together for too long.

I now live in the states and my whole family lives in Italy so I don’t have this issue but now that we have our baby my bf’s family has been around a lot more and I’m feeling overwhelmed. My mom came to visit and stayed in our home for 3 weeks.

I felt super disrespected by my mom and his family as I had asked to please not come to the hospital until we were a bit more settled with check ups n testings.

I was induced and we let everyone know that we were in labor cuz they had requested so (which is fine) but when we started not answering calls or texts everyone started freaking out even tho it was cuz I was in full labor so I don’t know what they were expecting and they all turned up at the hospital. His father left upset cuz we told the nurses to not let them in as I was giving birth but within 20 minutes from giving birth we had my mom his mom and one of his sisters in the room as they were still stitching me up and still trying to weigh and make sure baby was ok cuz they were getting so pissed at us.

I felt extremely upset and disrespected cuz I feel like they took away that one on one time my boyfriend and I should’ve had with our first born child.

I have a hard time even talking to my mom when she calls and I get in a really zombie like mood when his family comes to visit cuz I just immediately think of how they didn’t care about me or my feelings and im still upset at the fact that his father still doesn’t talk to us. Even tho I apologized for how things went via phone and text and I’ve tried inviting him over many times.

Taking care of our baby so far has been the easiest part of this new lifestyle that I’m having to learn how to cope with when having to be around family or ppl in general cuz I know they are just as excited to have a grand baby but now I feel the same even when friends try to come over, I just don’t want to see anyone and I know this feeling will fade but it’s been hard on me cuz I rarely ever ask for anything to anyone so I felt very disrespected.

Anyone else feeling this way and if so what have you done to change how u feel when u have ppl around? (I don’t ignore anyone if they do come over but I’m just not happy inside and when they leave I get all quiet and it’s been taking a toll on my bf too cuz it frustrates him even tho I’m not upset at him at all)

Sorry if it was long but thanks if you read this far. ♥️