To wait or to find out gender


Anyone find out gender for the first 2 but decide to wait until birth for #3? I have 2 boys and no matter what baby #3 will be our last. I feel like it'd be so cool to wait to find out but part of me is worried if I'll be disappointed if it's another boy...

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I was the same. 2 boys, this 3rd was going to be our last no matter what. We toyed with the idea of it being a surprise however in the end my husband wanted to know so we could mentally prepare if it was a third boy as our first two were high energy and bonkers and needed to know if it was gonna be 3rd boy pandemonium ha ha I just went in thinking it was a boy so when we found out it was a girl we were pleasantly surprised but glad we found out because we needed to get a whole new wardrobe essentially as well as try to figure out how to raise a girl 😂


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I feel you! I also am pregnant with #3 and have 2 boys. For me, I definitely needed to know the gender lol I’m a planner anyway and also knew I’d have some disappointment to work through if it was another boy. I decided to do the NIPT blood work this time too at 14 weeks as I’m 38 and also wanted to know if we had any high-risks to prepare for.Turns out, we are indeed having another boy. I have been definitively working through gender disappointment this time, but I’m slowly getting excited about our 3rd sweet boy 💙 I guess I share that bc, if you feel like you may need time processing if it’s another boy, maybe finding out sooner than later would be beneficial for you too! But you know yourself the best :) Congratulations!


Scarlet • Jun 2, 2023
Thank you for this! I will definitely have to consider finding out via NIPT when I get closer to being able too.


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I found out with first, waited on second and plan to wait on third as well.It was so fun to wait on the second! Bothered everyone else more than it bothered us