Toddler pushing on stomach


So my son is 2 1/2 and for a couple weeks now he'll push on his stomach by his belly button like it hurts but still acts normal and plays but sometimes he will say ouch when he does it and when we ask him it it hurts he'll say yes. I took him to his pediatrician and the doctor pushed all over his stomach and my son didn't even flinch so he said to just watch him and that he might just be doing it for attention but I don't think he is.. My son does have an umbilical hernia that has yet to go away so I don't know if that could be causing his discomfort or something else but his poop is normal and he doesn't vomit so I don't think it's food allergies.. Anyone else's toddler done this? I might ask his doctor to refer him to someone for a scan of his stomach just to ease my worries.