Two Days till I fly to Prague for Donor Egg IVF


I’m absolutely freaking out.

I spend 2021 having <a href="">IVF</a>, trying to get my own eggs. Three failed rounds. Each time 1 follicle. No egg retrieved.


It took me a long time to come to terms with having someone else’s egg. I just turned 40. so I don’t want my time to run out completely.

I’ve got an anonymous donor from Gennet in Prague. I pray her eggs are amazing. We are flying from Australia to Prague on Monday. Donor egg retrieval is on Thursday. My husband will give his sperm and they will make our baby.. with any luck. It’s another journey.

Boy, am I sick of internal ultrasounds. Some nurses suck at doing it. So rough.

Anyway, i feel like I needed to write this all down and hope someone has a similar experience that can share with me.