Dreadlocks are causing my infertility?


I'm just leaving my 92-year-old grandmother's house right now and as I'm walking out the door she starts chastising me that my hair is too long and I can't have long hair when I'm trying to have a baby. I've got dreadlocks down to my calves and I haven't cut my hair in about 11 or 12 years.

She said it's because the body is using a lot of energy to maintain my hair.. yet I know people who have dreadlocks and still have so many children.. also, I had endometriosis before I ever dreadlocked my hair so how could having dreadlocks or not cutting my hair have anything to do with having issues with infertility?

People have said a lot of crazy things to me along this journey, most of them have been related to "just pray more." But this has got to be a new one.