Becoming a surrogate when my only child wants a sibling


I have been strongly considering applying to be a surrogate. I’ve always wanted to do this to do something selfless in my life and give back to others, and I loved being pregnant and had an easy pregnant with my daughter. I am a single mom and she’s 6 and a half. Her dad and I coparent and he has a long term girlfriend but honestly have no idea if they ever want to have kids. Anyway she asks me for a sister all the time, so I fear if I were pregnant and it wasn’t her sibling she might be sad, angry, jealous, etc. that’s the only thing preventing me from doing it. I do want more kids in the future if the right person comes along, but that’s not guaranteed I guess.

I’ll obviously talk with her about my thoughts before I go ahead and commit to make sure she is ok with it or fully understands it wouldn’t be her sibling. But has anyone else been in a similar situation who did become a surrogate and how did your child take it?

Please only comments from previous surrogates or those with experience in this area