PCOS + Myo-Inositol? (TW for mentioning of Pregnacy and Loss)

Hi my PCOS Sisters.

What’s everyone’s experience with Myo-Inositol in helping regulating, and if you had a similar experience.

PCOS TTC Journey/ Back story; I’m sorry it’ll be quite long just Incase someone has any advice.

In late 2014/2015 I was diagnosed with PCOS after my first child. I thought the absence of AF and weight gain was post-pregnancy things.

Between 2015-2018, I tried metformin, diet exercise, everything I could at the time in hope it would bring on AF but I continued to be absent and gain weight. In the end of 2018 I decided that I was going to get the Gastric Sleeve Surgery to help with the weight-loss and fertility.

So November of 2019, I had the surgery, within a few weeks AF came back, here to stay monthly. No medications to assist.

I fell pregnant and had an early MC August of 2020. And 6 weeks later found out I was pregnant again in September 2020. I now have a 2 year old.

Periods came back within a short time, and continued to be regular. Even after the mini pill, and pill (even though I bled for 4 weeks on the pill it went back to normal once off it)

December 2021, I fell pregnant again which ended in early MC again. But Periods had returned as normal again.

Come October 2022 I decided that i was going to get the depot as I bled on the pill for weeks. And it stopped my periods, after my 2nd lot of depot, I started spotting for 3/4 weeks so I never went back for the 3rd dosage.

I’m now at 3 months since I was due, so last shot was 6 months ago. No more spotting since, but also no AF. I have been doing some research and Myo-Inositol has come up quite a bit for regulating and helping to conceive in the end.

Do you think this would possibly help me or just try wait it out since the depot could possibly be still in my system from what I’ve been told?


Again I’m sorry it’s a bit of a long post but hoping it’ll help to be able to get some advice.