Implantation bleeding or period ??


Hey! I’m new here ( on the app) my fiancée and i have tried to have a baby since I had a miscarriage in January , and so far no luck. I’m hoping this time it’s more so I’m asking for advice. I had a period June 6th and supposedly ovulated on June 22. I do have endometriosis , recently found out so that’s been hard. My ovulation date was wrong and I had taken a pregnancy test 2 weeks ago but it was negative. I was supposed to start my period july 4th but I didn’t. I ovulated on july 3rd and my period was 11 days late , I started spotting yesterday around 4:30- 5:00 and it was very light pink. I didn’t bleed anymore and it hasn’t gotten heavier either. My periods typically last 5 days and they are very heavy, very clotty, always cramping etc. I don’t spot before I start my period , I started when I was 11 I am now 19 and I’ve always just had a lot of bright red blood when I start, anyways the spotting hasn’t gotten heavier it’s very light pink, or a brown color I’ve never had that either. I’m not sure if it’s just my period or if I could possibly be pregnant experiencing implantation bleeding. So please help with advice or anything from your experiences ❤️ and I’m sorry for the pics ! I know it’s kinda weird to look at