Activities for a 15 Month Old


My little guy goes to daycare 3 days a week. The other 2 days a week, I have him at home and I am at a complete loss of how to keep him occupied. He lasts about 5-10 minutes on any given activity, then he wants a change. And it’s overwhelming. If we don’t change what we’re doing, he’s fussing, which then leads to a breakdown. I try and avoid television completely, but the last week, I’ve found myself sticking him in front of it and turning on Ms Rachel for 30-60 minutes just so he isn’t fussing wanting to do something new. We read soooo many books, play outside, swim in our pool, go on walks, throw balls for the dogs, play with his toys, play with bubbles, play with water in the tub….you name it. Any other ideas you mommas have that are good at entertaining your 15 month old for longer than 5 minutes that isn’t television?