Deck dining on baby #3??

Grace. • 👼🏼💕💙 // Keagan 1/31/2020 🌈❤️ // Ethan 9/14/2021 ☀️💚

I currently have a 3 1/2 year old and almost 2 year old. Our family feels complete but also not at the same time. My husband and I would be happy to be done but at the same time are having a very hard time deciding whether or not to have a third baby. I feel like Im so busy with my 2 already but also want to get it over with if we want a 3rd baby and not wait forever. I am just one of those people that absolutely hates being pregnant and struggled with my mental health during pregnancy and even worse after. I guess my question is do you always wonder if you’re done or not?