27 hour labor, long post


I had contractions all day starting Wednesday July 5 around 4 am. They were 5 minutes apart and I went to the hospital after losing my mucus plug. They sent me back because I was only 1 cm dilated. They got stronger throughout the day and finally at 5 or 6 pm we went to the hospital again. My parents told my boyfriend to come he was at work. I was 4 cm so they didn’t send me home. I couldn’t take the pain anymore and every contraction I’d start crying. I almost immediately asked for the epidural( I wanted to not get it haha). I had to get my iv so I might’ve been 5-6 cm by the time I got the epidural. But it didn’t really work in time because I kept feeling every contraction. My boyfriend walked in as I was getting the epidural. I went to 9 cm pretty quick in a couple hours but then I stalled. They gave me Pitocin but it still took a while. They said maybe I may need a c section. I took a nap around 4 am for like 20-30 minutes and then I woke up and it was time to push. I pushed 2 hours and 5 minutes. My boyfriend was pushing my right leg up and the nurse had my other leg. My mom was at my side too helping me put my chin to my chest because my upper back and shoulders were soooo sore it hurt to move them. The nurses ended up calling some midwife and she put me on my left side to push instead. Apparently the baby was born like 15 minutes later. She was 8 lbs 3 oz and I wonder if that’s why it took so long along with her being my first! But my mom and the nurse did say it was quick for a first kid. But finally my little baby was here