Is divorce the only option 😞

my husband and I have always had problems. We married very young and immature. We just knew we were in love and wanted to spend our lives together. Well we got pregnant and Covid happened. We moved in with his parents .. big big mistake . It was bad . It got so bad I had moved out when my husband was over the road trucking with our daughter. So I moved to my parents who live 10 mins away. During our pregnancy it was a lot happening and I was very hormonal. I was a wreck so I began venting to my family which was another huge mistake. So now my husband doesn’t come around smh. Anyways, we’re married but living separately because we are technically homeless . He quit trucking and moved back to his home state of Pennsylvania while I’m still here in NC. He now says that he is moving us to Pennsylvania. I told him I do not want to live there . He didn’t listen to me. He claimed he asked me between GA or PA . I remember saying neither. He claim I didn’t make a decision so he chose PA for us. Long story short he asked the other day was I excited to come and I told him no . So we got into a huge argument which now has resulted him in saying either I’m coming to PA or we are done. I feel sick to my stomach about this topic because I love my husband and I want to be with him but there’s so many issues between us I don’t know where to begin. Any helpful advice ? Please