Dear you


I have aged so much these past few years. You honestly wouldn’t even recognize me anymore. Becoming a mom. Trying to figure out how to help my son with all of his challenges. His therapy. His ADHD. SPD. My ADHD. Trying to make diagnoses to figure out my world. Trying to work on my marriage, work on myself. The panic attacks, saying goodbye to friendships, the anxiety, the depression, the times I screwed things up so bad i couldn’t sleep at night and I felt like a complete failure, the 2 miscarriages, losing weight and gaining weight, hormones and imbalances, medications and supplements, working out and trying to be healthy, and giving myself breaks where I didn’t give a crap for months. I’ve learned so much and gained so much knowledge and have so many opinions and finally accepted myself and who I am.

Sometimes I want to talk to you just to see who you are now, and so you can see who I am now. I guess I’m proud of all those wrinkles and fault lines. I wonder if you have any. I wish we could sit down and talk or that I could somehow bump into you. I miss how you made me feel like a human, but I’ll never actually forgive you for how much you let me down.
