Implantation or late period?


Warning-period talk + photo of bodily fluids in comments.







This is currently the longest cycle I’ve had since I started tracking 2 years ago. I’ve always had a 26-28 day cycle. I’m currently on day 31. I did not track my ovulation this month, so I have no idea whether I ovulated early or late.

I’ve had a BFN every day since 14dpo, and I’m currently 18dpo. Today (right after buying $60 worth of tests) I wiped and had pink on the TP. My periods have always come on strong. Horrid cramps and dark red/brown blood. I had no cramping until about an hour ago but they’re very light and almost “tingly”.

I’m assuming it’s too late to be implantation, and it’s not something I’ve experienced before, so I’m not sure what implantation bleeding even looks like. Thoughts? (Photo in comments)