Losing My Mind

My son is a month old today and since the moment he was born I knew that he would be a handful..he screamed uncontrollably for hours after being born.

He is never content and literally screams all day and night long. I know that babies cry, but he becomes completly inconsolable. He'll be fully feed, dry and swaddled and he's still screams at the tops of his lungs. He naps for 30 minutes to an hour and is awake for the next 4-5 hours straight before his next "nap". By night time he's screaming because he's so tired and he will only sleep if he's being held. He doesn't like the swing, crib or bouncing chair, he HAS to be held. I am so exhausted and overwhelmed. The pediatrician insists it's normal and people keep telling me to rest and nap when he does. It's like I can't sleep or get anything done because all day long he's screaming. It's just a lot.