Pregnant or just LATE

I had a tubal 3.5 years ago.

My periods have always been irregularly regular ranging between 30-36 days and sometimes longer depending on stress or whatever.

The last 4 months they’ve been around 28-30 on the dot and now I’m 10 days late, up to 40 days now.

I’ve taken 2 tests at 3 and 4 days late and both hard negatives.

Realistically I think it’s probably just late BUT it’s always a concern in the back of my head that it’s an ectopic pregnancy.

I am really PMSY and have had on and off nausea for the past 2 weeks and I’ve been really fatigued basically the entire month. I normally am nauseated when I’m about to get my period and pmsy… all the symptoms are similar.

I *think* I either ovulated twice this month or much later than usual. I feel like I maybe ovulated the week i was as due to start my period. And if that’s the case that would explain it being so delayed right?

Has anyone else had this? Wouldn’t I test positive by now if for some reason it was an ectopic?