Second opinion??! What’s going on with me?


Hi! Hopefully going to make long story short, stick with me through this whirlwind and rollercoaster

Aug 23rd found out I was about 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Aug 29th vaginal and abdominal ultrasound to confirm pregnancy and results came back nothing in the sac and I had my period Sept 5th to Sept 12th (chemical pregnancy).

Due to the chemical pregnancy gyno scheduled me for HCG follow up.

First HCG Sept 5th- 9 mIU/mL (start of period bleeding).

Second HCG Sept 18th - 10mIU/mL (by this time home pregnancy tests were fading)

Third HCG Sept 22nd - 6 mIU/mL (by this time I stopped testing altogether- home tests showed negative)

Fourth HCG Oct 6 - 7 mIU/mL

By about September 29th we stopped using condoms and were using pull out method and were letting life take its course. I got my period October 3-7th so I knew we weren’t pregnant but we did have a lot of fun in the next few days after!

Since my HCG October 6th was still above 5 I was ordered for another set of ultrasounds which came back clear- no signs of ectopic, no signs of molar pregnancy, ordered for an HCG follow up in 3 weeks.

October 17-19th I experienced implantation bleeding - light brown, only when I wiped.Since the 19th I’ve had cramping, nausea, breakout of hives randomly, thirst, acne, and extreme fatigue. I feel pregnant and my tests keep coming back positive.. I’ve tested every week since the implantation bleeding.

Fifth HCG Oct 30th - 17 mIU/mL. Spoke to gyno and she said this could be remnants of my first chemical pregnancy still. I told her we’ve been baby dancing but she asked me to stop taking pregnancy tests. Her mood definitely shifted when I told her it’s possible we could be pregnant again and I understand given my levels have been confusing and possibly frustrating. But I’m frustrated too and now feeling extremely terrified it could be another chemical now that she mentioned it. My period should be here between today and the 5th.

I’m scheduled for another HCG test in the next two weeks but was told my only options after this would be Methotrexate or a D&C surgery.

I’m thinking of getting a second opinion from an OBGYN because I’m really scared she’s right and that this is another chemical but it definitely feels different this time. I’m just worried on her handling of the situation given the new information I told her about possibly being 4 weeks pregnant.

What should I do? What would you do?