Still doesn’t seem legit


So I’ll start by saying that I am a 42 year old with 2 adult children and 2 teen age children and found out two weeks ago that we are having a baby in June 2024. We have literally been trying for 14 years to have number 5! It’s been sooooo long and such a discouraging journey that when I took the test and saw that it said “pregnant” I’ve had a hard time believing it…

…until today. Some back story. We have lived in North Idaho for 6+ years now after living in Southern California for about 20+ years. There are only a few things I miss about California but if nothing else I definitely miss GREAT Mexican food.

We have a new food truck in town and we got some tacos and burritos today for the first time. It was at this moment that I knew for sure that I am pregnant. As I started to eat this delicious burrito (that reminded me of SoCal) I literally started sobbing. I’m not exaggerating, I was sobbing.

I was wanting to order another burrito when my 14 year old said, “Mom, we should wait until lunch tomorrow because your pregnant self can’t emotionally take another one today!” Haha!

This is going to be a LONG pregnancy…