Our Baby # 11 💕Birth Story! ( unexpected NICU stay! 36 wks!)


Hello everyone I want to share Birth story of our precious baby # 11!

To start the pregnancy was complicated I had hypertension so was considered high risk , had so much app as well as scan so many none stress tests and Biophysical Scans and everything all of them were perfect she was practicing breathing doctors were so happy! Then comes me hitting 36 wks and I usually deliver around 36/37/39 wks so I was already prepared to go into labor , here comes a day after I turn 36 wks I start to have contractions at first I wanted to wait around to see if they were the real

Thing since I’ve been having contractions since 28 wks off and on . At about 4 am in the morning contractions got real intense so I head out to the hospital 2/3 hours later I was admitted to the hospital because I was making progress and dilated from 2.5 cm to - 4.5 cm . Around me getting to 6 cm my husband came with all our stuff and my mom went to stay with our kids!

Having this be our 11th I knew exactly what to expect I’ve done this so many times, I was so excited to have skin to skin and breastfeed my newest addition for 2+ years I couldn’t wait! Finally I get to 10 cm and it was time to push. I don’t think I even pushed 3 times and she was born at 9 pm weighing 7 pounds and about 17 inch long , she cried straight away that was reliving but as soon as they put her on my chest it felt like she was breathing under the water 💧, Doctors took her away immediately and began to see what’s going on, they hooked her up to different machines and told me that it seems like she swallowed some fluids while coming out. They put her on oxygen and they told me nothing to worry about she will be fine in couple of rounds with oxygen! She was not getting better her breathing was exhausting her she was breathing way to fast and her oxygen kept dropping so they took her to NICU to observe her overnight!

I was transferred to recovery and started to pump which was really hard because I really wanted to breastfeed! The next day was hard not knowing what is going on for sure they kept saying she’s doing good then bad!

Her breathing wasn’t improving and her oxygen kept falling they decided to incubate her and put medicine directly into her lungs to help them mature and this is when they told us this is obviously more then her swallowing fluids her lungs were underdeveloped! They did that procedure and told us she was doing really good! We were so relieved that night , but that didn’t last long! I the morning I went to visit my baby all the doctors gathered and said her breathing got so bad in the morning that they had to incubate her and put her on ventilator 😭 they also had contacted a high risk doctor that specializes in breathing area can’t remember that the specialty word for that 🙈 there called and that doctor suggested her to be transferred to a main most higher NICU in our town to give her batter care!

This was my lowest point when I saw her like this! My heart shattered 😭 she she was crying silently while they poked her leg to take blood and she cried silently I was just bawling my eyes out and I felt so useless because I couldn’t even pick her up to comfort her!

Once she was transferred they right the way called me and told me all the details they were so nice , her recovery process started my husband visit her every day after work and stayed with her up until morning then went back to work , my only way of helping her making that milk for her .

After 4 days of her being only on IV sugar and nutrients she finally got to have breast milk! From that point on her recovery started to take better turns and she finally gained some weight !

They ended up giving her 3 rounds of medication into her lungs and she started to recover slowly!

This is her taking her first ever bottle of breast milk!

And this is the picture before she went home!

Finally after 8 days she was discharged to go home!

Our precious Haddahas Rose made it back to her big loving family that just are all so in love her there new little sibling !

She still had alot of struggles after this point , her jaundice levels kept elevating to danger zone and she was tested every other day for the next month at the lab and doctors couldn’t figure out why the levels wasn’t stopping to rise! But we have God above doctors who were wanting to put her back into hospital and out of no where her jaundice levels broke and started reducing , her doctors were in disbelief! I know it was a miracle and I don’t know where I would’ve been if not by Gods mercy and grace! If you have made it to here thank you for reading our Birth story of our youngest precious Blessing!

God Bless you all! 💕