Identical twin girls 11/2/23


My sweet girls made their arrival on 11/2/23 via c section. My girls developed twin to twin transfusion syndrome because they share a placenta. I had to be induced at 33 + 5. They’re my 4th and 5th babies and my first c section. I had my others vaginal deliveries. I had my tubes removed as well during my c section. My sweet girls are in the nicu and I bring milk to them everyday and can see them whenever. My twin b is starting breastfeeding and she is doing so well. My sleepy little twin a is still a little groggy at the moment and we will initiate it asap when she’s not as sleepy. I’m so happy they’re doing so well and can’t wait to bring them home. Twin a weighed 4 lbs exactly and twin b weighed 4 lbs 8 Oz.