At my wits end with my 4 year old!

Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

My daughter just turned 4 in October and, holy cow, I cannot handle her. She is very intelligent and absolutely does not take no for an answer. If she is told no, there are endless negotiations. If they don’t go well, she throws a massive fit. She also is so mean to her younger brother, who is 2.5 years old. If he has a toy that she wants, she flat out tackles him and rips it out of his hand. We reprimand her, take the toy away, and explain we need to share, but that triggers a massive meltdown. We have tried ignoring her meltdowns, rewarding good behavior, doing timeouts in her room, taking things away, etc. She just doesn’t give a crap and continues to do whatever she wants to do. I feel like every day is a struggle with her. I also feel like my son gets pushed aside because he is so chill and we are busy dealing with her. She also has SO much energy. She is very good in school but when she comes home she is bouncing off the walls. She is in gymnastics and ballet, but nothing seems to get the energy out. I just don’t even know what to do anymore. 😓