I messed up with FAM


So I (21 female) have converted to FAM after having my copper IUD fall out twice and having a negative experience with the Nuvaring (physically) and the pill (mentally), I've been tracking my cycle and BBT for approx 2 months after a friend who's had success with it suggested the method to me and so far I've been loving it.

HOWEVER, yesterday my partner and I messed up due to alcohol induced negligence (I know I'm stupid) and he came outside but we think the beginning of the orgasm was still inside me. To be safe I took a morning after pill, I just feel so defeated and ashamed that I slipped up.

I cannot handle a baby at this point (though I'd love one later) so I know I did the right thing for me, but I'm bummed that I've now had to do something that will mess with my natural cycle.

Sighhhh, just needed to vent.