How do I tell my mum I don’t want to spend Christmas at her house?


For a lot of reasons I don’t want to go. I want to stay at home with my kids in the chaos just letting them play and have their day. I don’t want to have to take them away from all their new toys that I know they will spend all day playing with get them all dressed and ready to go to my mums for them to have a boring day doing hardly nothing just to please my mum. I’m 1 of 5 children. If I go there will only be 2 of us there the other 3 have all got their own shit going on and made the sensible decision to decline the Xmas day offer my mum made. But because I felt bad I agreed. Now the more I think about it and the closer it gets I don’t want to go. She can come to me by all means but I don’t want to go there.

How can I tell her.

Do I just go and put myself in a situation all day in Xmas day to please her so I don’t feel bad, but then I’ll feel bad for my kids. Or do I upset my mum to keep myself and my kids happy.

She wants to recreate Christmas when the whole house was full of people when we were all kids. She’s can’t accept it’s not going to be like that ever again due to the way our family has worked out.

Am I being unreasonable?