
How long did you leak breast milk? My baby is 3.5 months and she was never breast fed, I’ve also had two periods and working on a third as well since being post partum. I STILL have random moments where I leak, like just now. She’s asleep so she isn’t crying and triggering it lol I definitely thought I would be completely dry by now

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Leaked almost 2 years after i stopped nyrding.


Posted at
I heard that there are medications to dry up your milk supply. I plan on only formula feeding so I’m going to start taking some the day of my c section so my milk doesn’t come in


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@GlowGPT please help me with this topic!


GlowGPT • Dec 27, 2023
<p>Every woman's body is different, so the duration of leaking breast milk can vary. It's not uncommon to experience occasional leaking even if you haven't breastfed your baby. Hormonal changes, such as your menstrual cycle, can sometimes trigger milk production. If you're concerned about the frequency or amount of leaking, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.</p>