Possibly early labor??

The Mrs.

Ok, I'm hesitant to go to the hospital to get checked. I was in three weeks ago with flu symptoms ( my aunt thought she had the flu a cupple years back in her third trimester, and it turned out to be serious preclamseia and needed an emergency c-section ) so I decided to go in to be better off safe then sorry. And the nurse was terrible to my husband and I ( I ended up testing positive for the flu, with a fever of 103°) and she scolded us for coming in after she her self told me on the phone that my dr wanted us to. And yelled at me for " googling my symptoms " even after explained my family history. I really don't want to go back until we are certain we need to. And my dr office is closed until after the 1st. I'm scheduled to be induced on the 2nd @ 38 +3 due to baby measuring in 10th percentile and low amniotic fluid.

Iv been experiencing braxtonhicks for the past two months when I " over do it" with cleaning, to much activity ect. ( my tummy tightening, and low back pain ) I do listen to my body and rest when I feel them coming on, and do my best to avoid bringing them on. But it seems like the past 4 days, they don't take much to start up ex: cleaning up the kitchen.

Then three nights go I had 4 very different then iv experienced contractions starting at the top of my stomach and pushing down with more pressure and the erge to 💩. They were said and done within 2 o min. ( I spent 3 hrs in my truck waiting for my grocery pick up🤬earlier that day and thought this may be the reason ) Then they stopped completely.

Since then iv had little to no appetite, been feeling VERRY off. And the need to poo more frequently ( no diherea ) and the erge to nest has been strong with more energy.

Yesterday evening had the same thing happen just sharper and it made me need to catch my breath, had about 6 of them in and hour and a half. Then they stopped. Tonight my belly is noticeably bigger ( my husband even noticed on his own and commented ).

And more contractions or braxtonhicks. Then nothing. So I'm not sure what to think. Is labor possibly close, or am I in the very early stages? Any one else experience this?