Help, Am I doing something wrong?😔


I’m 30yrs old and I’ve been trying to fall pregnant, I have no kids as yet. My husband and I have been trying since August.

I had my last period on the 30th of November, my cycle goes on for 5 days.

Then on the 15th & 16 of December I thought it was implantation bleeding, but it was me getting my period again on the 17th it was a heavy flow😔?! Had my period twice basically

Am I doing something wrong?

I don’t understand why because I was expecting it to start on the 25th as I’ve been tracking my periods.

The whole weekend we have been trying from the 26,29,30 December. 31st was my ovulation date I believe and continued on the 1st of Jan.

I’ve been finding it so hard to conceive!

I’m praying that long weekend worked 🤞🏾

I will be seeing my gynaecologist soon.