Morning Sickness/Nausea relief?


Hello! I am a couple days in on being 7 weeks and have started experiencing some extreme nausea, no vomiting yet, (extreme hunger pain turned to queasiness with added need to burp non stop)

I wanted to ask what has helped you ladies with that?

I have done some research but i would rather ask what you have done that has actually worked! There are too many fake reviews it’s hard to tell what is real.

I have tried to eat something small first thing in the morning but this new wave of nausea is unwavering and that didn’t help.

I drank some Yogi Ginger Lemon tea and though it helped for a short while, it stopped helping once I finished the tea.

I ordered some Pink Stork Nausea Sweets today to see if that will help!

Your comments are appreciated 🫶🏼