Broken skin after ultrasound


On Tuesday I had my 12 week scan. Honestly it was so painful. I felt like she was drilling my stomach. She kept pushing and shaking the ultrasound wand to try to get the baby to move because it wasn’t in the right position. This went on for 45 minutes and then she said she couldn’t see anything so we had to go back today to redo it.

After the first ultrasound on Tuesday I was so sore. My skin was really red and felt tender and bruised. The tech today was much more gentle and slow, the exam itself wasn’t painful but now I have a very long line of broken skin right under my belly. It stings and is very red.

I don’t know if it was too much pressure, not enough gel, or a reaction to the gel. Has anyone had this? What can I put of it? When I move around I can feel it pulling and it’s really uncomfortable.