Need advice

Brooke 🎀

I’m getting over my partner a bit. She always says she wants to eat healthier and be better, but she doesn’t. But she constantly just says it. She’s a fussy Eater.. doesn’t eat any salad or veggies , meats except chicken but has to be off the bone and have no red bits in it, or she won’t eat it. So if we do go out for dinner she will just get chips, and it’s so frustrating, she only just went back to work today after being off for Christmas, and the whole 2.5 weeks she was at mine she had MacDonalds every single day. There was not one day she didn’t get maccas.

We are trying to save for a house Aswel, but she wastes her money.. she has said so many times she will make her lunch and take it to work, but she doesn’t , she will have sausage rolls everyday at work and chocolate or crisps. She will get paid and then in 2 days she has $200 left out of $1350!

I don’t care what she does but I’m just getting sick of hearing the same thing.. it’s really starting to affect me, like I actually give up having the same conversation with her. She has zero savings but we want to buy a house by the beginning of next year.

Has anyone been in this situation?

I feel like I’m saving for a house and my partner just isn’t on the same page as me