Provera then Clomid. When do I track for ovulation?

DisneyMom🐶👦🏼🧒🏼👶🏻👼🏻🌹🦄 • Busy mom of 3 under 5 Proud mom of an amazing Preemie Warrior and an Angel 👼🏻 in Heaven. Hoping for our 🌈 baby soon.

I’m on cycle day 38, no period since Dec 3rd and as expected a negative pregnancy test since I didn’t ovulate last month. Anyway how will I know when to test for ovulation if I don’t have a cycle day to go off of since I’m basically starting over again. I’ll be taking Clomid on day 5 of my new cycle. I took Provera for two months with two periods and then nothing. Took my first Provera pill this morning. When I took it last time it started on day 5 of taking them. Any insight would be appreciated as when to start <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>.