I feel disgusting

I know this probably isn’t as serious as some of the things posted here but I don’t have anyone to talk to about it and I just need to vent a little bit.

I’ve been seeing this guy for a few months and I was was out at the bar with my friends last night. I was feeling pretty drunk and when I got home he invited me over to watch a movie and hang out, I’ve slept over at his place a few times and we hadn’t done anything sexual. He was sober and came to get me.

I made it clear to him that I didn’t want to have sex or do anything like that with him, especially since I was drunk. He’d tried to get a little touchy and I shut it down so he stopped. I ended up falling asleep and I woke up to him touching me, his hand was in my pants and he was putting his fingers in me. I told him to stop and kept trying to push his arm away but he kept going anyway. He was feeling my body’s reaction and not taking me and my wants seriously because of it.

It didn’t matter how much I tried to get him to listen and stop. Any time i closed my legs and pushed him away, he’d pull them back open. He took his pants off and wanted to have sex and I told him no for that too. He tried so many times to push into me. That part he stopped after a bit but he kept grabbing my hand and putting it on him while he wouldn’t stop with his fingers. I eventually just gave up because I wanted it to be over.

I feel so gross today and I hate it. I’m sore from how rough he was being when I was fighting to get his fingers out of me. I feel like i should’ve done more to stop him. I feel like it’s my fault for being drunk and putting myself in that situation, even though I had no reason to believe he’d do that to me.