genital soreness during pregnancy? no infection


hi all! this is a bit TMI lol... i am nearly 25 weeks pregnant with my first bby and for about two months, i have been feeling sore in my genital area - no itching, burning, or discharge... just "sore". i notice the feeling mostly when i go to the washroom - otherwise, i am not in pain or anything, but it is bothersome and chronic.

i have been tested for a UTI multiple times, and i have been swabbed for a yeast infection and BV, and everything has come back negative. the clinic noted that i looked a bit red/raw down there, but it was otherwise normal. i started using an external feminine wash to see if it was vaginal dryness and it has not helped so far. has anyone experienced something similar? if yes, what product worked for you? i honestly do not know what is causing this feeling or if its something "normal" due to pregancy hormones. the soreness is not from sex. thanks!