He stopped paying the bills

So my twins father and I live together, we were together almost 8 years and he has been abusive mentally and he breaks things when hes mad. He's always been like this promising to change but hasn't and refuses therapy because he thinks his reactions are my fault. I stopped sleeping with him and of course thats the issue he became most concerned about. He said hes moving out and has only given me half the bill money this month telling me to pay my own bills and how im a bum blah blah. I pay my own personal bills (car, cc, subscription). He just took care of the house since I out the down payment on the house. Him abruptly stopping the full bills tells me we're done but hes been grabbing my butt, questioning my errands, and asking to hang out and acting like nothing has changed. How would you navigate this? We both own the house so legally I can't kick him out. I feel stuck like I have to just wait until he decides to leave.

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Posted at
Save all proof of him refusing to pay. Save any signs of abuse.Start paying all the bills yourself. Kick him out.File for custody and child support.


Posted at
Id kick him out and file for custody as well as child support.


Posted at
I’d kick him out. Why are you still living together?