I’m glad I actually went to urgent care damn

GRACE Lilith • Previously Lilith DV survivor

I started sneezing my whole head off maybe 5 days ago and I thought it was allergies that had turned into a sinus infection. My face (sinus pressure) and ears are killing me but I thought I was just being a big baby, but my snot turned green today so I told my SO “I probably have a sinus infection. I guess since I’m about to leave the house anyways I should just stop by urgent care, might as well.” And I get there and I’m running a fever which I didn’t even know, and he takes a look at my throat and he’s like “good lord yeah you have strep, 99% positive that you have it.” Sure enough I tested positive for strep.

I am glad I decided to go to the freaking doctor I really almost didn’t. I guess I’m not a big baby lmfao

Also very glad I have health insurance right now and could go. I had to fight to get that insurance and didn’t have it for a while so I’m glad I had it at a time where I need a doctor and antibiotics

The urgent care told me that they are seeing 20-30 patients that all have strep… a day right now. Like Jesus

I am laughing now but last night I was feeling ick and feeling bad for myself telling my boyfriend, “I am miserable, it hurts in my nose.”

“What? It hurts IN your nose.”

“Yes. It hurts deep inside my nose, all the way to my braiiiiin.” And then passed out with tissues in my nose. Lmfao I was probably raw dogging a fever