Please help, I’m worried

Okay, so don’t judge me 🤦🏾‍♀️😔 So I’m really freaking out and I need some answers. First off, I already made a doctors appointment just to make sure but maybe someone has been through the same thing and can help me out. So around Dec. 23 I had sex with this guy I’ve know since high school. Before that date the last time I’ve seen him was about a year but we got back In contact about a week before the date. We never dated or anything just strickly sec only. But anyway after we had sex I felt fine. Nothing was wrong with my body. But then on January 15 (Monday)me and my ex had sex. Now for a while now when me and my ex would have sex it would hurt and feel uncomfortable, but this time feels different. My gina have been hurting for a couple days since then (Monday-Thursday aka today but not as much today like it’s getting better) but also Wednesday my gina was itching a little and now on the right side of my gina on the inner lip kinda it’s like a scratch or something but it’s bleeding a little just there and I’m freaking out. Even though when me and my ex have sex it feels uncomfortable it didn’t hurt for days. Could it be because we did it twice? I don’t have a odor or any weird discharge. It’s just that scratch now and it bleeds when I go looking and feeling around. Could the be from the uncomfortable sex or something waaay more serious 😢😢 please help.