BBT staying close to cover line? When did I O?

BookFully • 🤰🏻Baby #1 due Feb ‘25 👼🏻Dec ‘23

Did I ovulate on CD24 or CD29?

Dark OPK CD24, but I don’t think it was positive. FF guessed O day as CD24 based on bbt alone.

Positive & peak OPK CD27. Entered data into FF and O day changed to CD29.

I usually have a few days near cover line, then higher for the rest of my luetal phase until before AF.

Comparing other months, O day 24 is more like my typical temps. If CD 27 is my true O, then even my pre O temps are lower than usual.

I did have a chemical last cycle. Not sure if that would affect temps though.

I appreciate any feedback! 😌