16 year old in a trapped relationship (it’s so much to read)

So I’m 16 in a one year relationship I loved him in the beginning but I just begin to fall out of love with him he’s the perfect bf everything a teen girl could want buys me dinner ,goes on dates every 2 weeks, makes sure my nails are done ,even a promise ring I tried to break up with him but couldn’t find myself to do it so I just stayed with him cause I couldn’t bare my heart to break his,He is very clingy and I’m not used to that , I have severe daddy issues due to my dad walking out of my life when I was 12 and we were very close up to the day he told me he was moving everything just went downhill from there ,every girl first love is their father and as a growing teen I couldn’t experience that.Tonight I was having a talk with my mom when my boyfriend called me spamming my phone and I told my mom he’s being very clingy and I hate that, she doesn’t know I’m falling out of love for him,(she loves him and calls him her son in law) she told me I’m being a bitch and I’m going to be lonely forever if I keep acting like this called me selfish basically everything in the book lol, she’s verbally abusive ,YELLS A LOT, body shames me every chance she gets, I’m not very pretty or smart I’m not in any sports no more I have nothing to live for. God knows I’m tryin but I just want to leave.