I got to find out

Cristina • Counting my blessings.

After my loss I went to a fertility specialist. I have 4 children when I was younger and now that Im older and have built a beautiful life with my husband, we want one more child.

We had a stillborn at 20 weeks.

14 weeks miscarriage

12 weeks miscarriages


So after the 4th loss we went to a fertility specialist but during the process I changed my mind. I told myself I didn't want to go through this pain anymore and were bless to have 3 children. I tried to move on.

I missed my period this month and took a test and it's positive but to only have a miscarriage 3 days later. Im going through the miscarriage right now.

Now I want to return to the specialist to figure out how I can have 3 children and all of a sudden I'm unable to. Any advice? What should I ask the specialist? What test should I explore?