Dònt know what to do

My husband is a violent man and pretty much blames me for it. 13 years… He will admit to being abusive and say well if this situation didn’t happen he wouldn’t have done that or if I say something he feels is disrespectful he says that will also make him fuck me up. I ask him what am I saying or doing disrespectful and he will say it’s too many to list and name. He thinks and says every man on my Facebook I’m sleeping with… I told him that calling women bitches is disrespectful he doesn’t care. He calls me a snitch or police when I call authorities if he puts his hands on me or threatens me and damages my property. He says Im a snitch. i dont know what else to do when he gets violent or talk crazy like RIP or keys my car. He keyed my car because i posted on facebook i was getting a divorce and tired of being hurt. I know i was wrong for posting my business but i was emotional and in the moment. He said they knew i was talking about him rather i said his name or not and he will fuck me up if I post about him which I don’t street that because he keyed my entire car door. He watches everything I do online. He criticizes every person I’m associated with friends or family. We are currently separated. I told him I don’t want a violent man he told me to find one or to date a bitch. ☹️ He won’t file divorce or sign paperwork. I’m thinking about getting an order of protection because he will be calm when he is occupied with another woman but once he’s bored it’s time to be disrespectful and terrorize me. He texted our son’s phone saying I’m a whore. He’s 10 . I’m glad I had the phone with me or he would have read it. He’s been gone almost a month and hasn’t tried to see the kids or get them. He doesn’t care about us at all. I really want to go through with this divorce this time and get him out of our lives for good.