Did I stoop too low?

I went on a podcast with a girl with red pill views (and a panel of 3 more).

I honestly don't engage with people like that since it's mostly pointless.

I was quiet most of the time and she kept saying women get fat and ugly when they get married and they deserve to be cheated on since they no longer take care of themselves. She kept body shaming married women and used expressions like "whales" and "uglies" and just had very nasty misogynistic things to say not only about what the women she advises people to strive to be: submissive, make a sandwich, don't work and stay hot so your man doesn't stray because it'll be your fault. But also about sex workers with the porn body, she calls them whores.

I just asked "You're not married right?" She said no, "Do you have kids?" She again said no so I asked "What's your excuse then?" She asked what I meant. I said "You're obviously not thin or hot, so how are you telling women they should be. Amanda here has 2 kids and looks way better than you do? So why are you so hard on women when you look like 🫲🏻 ...this?" She said she was working on losing weight and something about hormones, then proceeded to redirect the conversation about something else. I just stared at her.

She obviously continued with her hatred towards women.

Even though I never talk to women like this, I just have this icky feeling that I was so nasty myself. Again these people are too set in their ways to understand kindness and I feel like I stooped to low by my own standards. Should I have just kept quiet instead of what I did?

Poll question: did I stoop to low?

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